Shaabiat al Cartoon is an Arabic animation feature produced by Haider Mohammed and was first released by Qanawat in 2006. It originally started out as a mobile phone animation in 2004, but its popularity grew and by 2005 due to popular demand, work began to turn it into a TV series.
Shaabiat in Emirati Arabic refers to a rural neighbourhood, just like the setting of the show. Based on a group of Middle Eastern families and individuals living in Dubai, the series portrays their lives and traditions in a very humorous and engaging way. Comprising of 24 unique characters( the most popular being Shambee, Afari, Atooga and Bo Mhayeer ) from local and Middle Eastern origin, each with their own unique accent and habits, the animated series has attracted an increasingly loyal fan following across the Middle East.
Conceived by Haider Mohammed, the series has been a great revenue spinner over the 5 years . It also gained international recognition and generated high levels of interest among other markets of the world , keen on enjoying the Middle Eastern and Emirati culture while gaining a better understanding of the same.
The English language version (with English subtitles ) is already underway , catering to a larger global audience .
Officially sponsored by Etisalat, Shaabiyat Al Cartoon is a wonderful showcase of our social lives and cultural values
This animated cartoon series is the most imaginative rendering of the world of Emirati cats that speak local dialects and also dialects of the Gulf, Arab and even Asian origin, in voices both distinct and lovely. The series narrates entertaining adventures of these cats in the neighborhoods of Dubai and their homes, sometimes spotted in alleyways, cat-dwellings behind the restaurants and fish markets or the rooftops of buildings.
Both funny and memorable, each episode has been conceived and produced with the most compelling dramatic twists and turns, making the Emirati cats true characters of wonder, appealing to a large audience , irrespective of age, region or culture.
Beginning with the vision to promote the values of sport like excellence, originality and perseverance within the region for this generation and generations to come, Fayez hopes to introduce spot in the lifestyles of the nationals, thereby also strengthening the national identity.
Conceived for the Dubai Sports Council, Fayez is a character that has a burning desire to win a tournament and do his country proud. The journey is laced with stories of Fayez trying to gain knowledge, experience and expertise required for victory and the lessons learnt as a result.